

One-Time Consult (Phone or Home Visit)

Comprehensive review of medical history, lab work, medications and supplements, current symptoms and treatments, growth chart, and ketone and glucose monitoring where applicable. 90-120 minutes.

Long-term Care

Follow up consultation via phone, email, or in person: available short and long term.

Home Visit for Portland / Vancouver Metro Area

Comprehensive review of medical history, lab work, medications and supplements, current symptoms and treatments, growth chart and ketone and glucose monitoring where applicable. 90-120 minutes.

Home Visit for Out of Area

Client responsible for business class flight, transportation to & from, lodging & deposit for services rendered. Please email for more information.

Other Services

• Doctor Visit • Emergency Intervention • Ketogenic Diet Menu Planning


Private Consultation Fees

Medical Nutritional Therapy (MNT) is billed at $100.00 per hour in 15 minute increments during working hours (9-5 M-F) and $150.00 per hour outside of typical working hours. This includes all services listed above. We offer installment plans if needed. Please call for more information. We accept cash, checks (made to Center for Neuro-Nutrition) and credit cards via PayPal. International clients must pre-pay for services.


New: Securely Pay Online With PayPal!

Ketogenic Diet Consulting